Dear partners,

In the spring of 2023, M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics of the NAS RA organizes a scientific conference.

The main thematic directions of the conference are as follows:

  • Macroeconomic problems and Finance
  • Problems of the real sector of the economy
  • Service sector development and socio-demographic problems
  • Theoretical studies and history of economic thought.

The working languages of the conference are Armenian, Russian and English.

To participate in the conference, it is necessary to fill in the application form (Appendix 1) by February 3, 2023 and by February 10, 2023 to send scientific articles corresponding to the reports and according to the presented criteria (Appendix 2) to the following e-mail addresses, (it is obligatory to send to both e-mail addresses). The submitted articles will be reviewed; as a result, those which received positive opinion will be published in the first volume of “The Contemporary Issues of Socioeconomic Development in the Republic of Armenia” scientific journal of articles of M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics of the NAS RA.  The journal is included in the list of scientific publications acceptable to the RA Supreme Certifying Committee. Participation in the conference and publication of materials are free of charge. In case of questions please apply to Anahit Markosyan, responsible for scientific and publishing department, by calling +37410-581-971 internal (104), address 15 Gr. Lusavorich str., 2nd floor, room 4, 0015, Yerevan

With respect,

Organizing Committee of the Conference

 Appendix 1


Name, Surname  
Country, city  
Place of work (full name of the organization)  
Academic degree, title  
E-mail address  
Title of the report  
Language of the report  

 Appendix 2

Technical requirements to the articles

The scientific article should be submitted in Armenian, Russian or English.

The Articles should include the title of the article (CAPITAL letters, center alignment), the name, surname and patronymic (CAPITAL letters, left alignment), academic degree and title, workplace and position of the author/authors in entirety and contact details (e-mail, telephone). The work should be submitted in B5 format, 10-15 pages. The article should be written in Sylfaen, font size: 11 pt., 1.0 spaced, leaving 2 cm from the edges of the paper. Use footnotes while citing the original source with continuing numbers. Links to fake journals, news’ websites, textbooks and educational manuals are not allowed. Links to articles published in journals with a high impact factor are encouraged.

References should also be reflected in the “References” section at the end of the article, where each primary source should be presented in the original language-Armenian, Russian, English – in alphabetical order.

The “References” should be followed by the REFERENCES section, where the sources in the list of references in Russian and Armenian should be presented in roman script, and English-language sources-in the original language. For transliteration the references in Russian and Armenian to roman script please follow the link: and

At the end of the article should be an abstract (200-300 words) and 8-12 keywords in Armenian; Russian and English (with an indication of the article’s title, name, surname, academic degree and title, workplace and position).

Requirements for the content of the article and abstract

The Article should include the following obligatory sections:

An introduction in which the relevance, purpose, objectives of the article and the degree of study of the topic should be presented,

Literature review in which the approaches of other authors to the topic should be presented,

Research methods where the methods by which the main analysis will be carried out should be presented,

Analysis where the main analysis should be presented,

Scientific novelty,

Conclusion where the results and the possibility of their application should be presented.

The Abstract is presented in 3 languages and should consist of the following mandatory sections:

The relevance of the article,




The main results,

Scientific novelty,

Possibility of the results’ application.