“The Modernization of Economic Experience in the Modern World. Lessons, Parallels, Opportunities” R. Sarinyan

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On November 12-13, 2020 the second international scientific conference was organized by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Krasnodar State Institute of Culture» of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

It was entitled “Cultural, scientific and educational strategies of implementation of the National Projects 2030”.

An article was presented at the conference by the Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Institute of Economics of the NAS RA – R. N. Sarinyan. It was entitled “The Modernization of economic experience in the modern world: lessons, parallels, opportunities”, based on the materials of “Economic miracles: the ways of launching in Armenia” scientific-practical research.

The content of “Economic miracles: the ways of launching in Armenia” book (Yerevan 2020, 526 pages), published by the Institute of Economics of the NAS RA is very briefly clarified in the article- https://economics.sci.am/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Gitazhoghov-2020-el-02.10-1-1.pdf. The main peculiarities of “Economic miracles” implemented in Singapore, Japan, Israel, Malaysia, Georgia, Dubai and other countries is presented in the article of R. Sarinyan. The presented research also provides the reader with an opportunity to get generalized analytical information about the progress of reforms and their results implemented in a number of countries over the past 70 years.
