The meeting-discussion between the staff of M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics and representatives from the Ministry of Economy of the RA was held

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The meeting-discussion between the staff of M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics and representatives from the Ministry of Economy of the RA was held

On February 24, 2021, a meeting-discussion was held at the M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics of the NAS RA. The meeting-discussion was held between the Institute’s staff represented by Director Vladimir Harutyunyan and the Minister of Economy of the RA Vahan Kerobyan, Minister’s adviser-Sona Yepiskoposyan, Director of the Research Center-Gor Khachatryan, as well as RA NA Deputy Yeghishe Soghomonyan.

The Director V. Harutyunyan welcomed the minister and presented the works and achievements of the Institute during the last 2-3 years:

  1. The observations of the Institute of Economics related to the economic evaluation of the Lydian Armenia’s expenses presented in the company’s EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and in the report of ELARD Company were presented to the Ministry of Environment of the RA.
  2. The expert opinion of the Institute of Economy on the Strategy of RA’s Business Environment Improvement for 2019-2024 has been presented to the Ministry of Economy of the RA.
  3. The Institute presented a package of proposals to the RA MoESCS for amendments and additions to the Law on Higher Education and Science.
  4. The acts drawn up by the State Revenue Committee were subjected to professional examination by the specialists of the Institute. This is a result of a cooperation between the State Revenue Committee and the Institute of Economics, on contractual basis by the Government’s decision.
  5. In 2020 “The Contemporary issues of Socioeconomic Development in the Republic of Armenia” scientific research journal published at the Institute of Economics has been submitted to London’s authoritative International Commission for being included in the SCOPUS system of international scientific indexing and is currently in the final stage of indexing.

The Deputy Director L. Sargsyan presented the main results of scientific activity;

  1. 2 scientific conferences organized and conducted in 2019, as well as the upcoming scientific conferences for 2021 and numerous proposals submitted as a consequence of that.  
  2. The practical results of scientific research works of 2017 / Scientific editor-Corresponding Member of the NAS RA, Doctor of Economics, Professor V. Harutyunyan, Yerevan, the M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics of the NAS RA, 2018, 104 pages (available on the Institute’s website).
  3. National Economy, research trajectory of the Institute of Economics of the NAS RA (2007-2017); Conclusions, applied proposals, compiled under the management of the Corresponding Member of the NAS RA, Doctor of Economics, Professor V. Harutyunyan (available on the Institute’s website).

950 articles and 50 books has been published by the institute over the past 5 years. Employees of the Institute have actively participated in the competition “The effective researcher” and became beneficiaries several times. Particularly, the Director of the Institute became the winner of the competition “The effective researcher” 4 times in a row. Other employees of the Institute have been beneficiaries of many other domestic and international competitions.

The head of each topic presented research topics conducted in 2020  and the expected results in 2021.

  1. Dallaqyan presented “Main Problems and Perspectives of Development of High-Tech Economy” and “The Opportunities and Mechanisms for Innovative Diversification of the Economy on a High-tech Basis” topic for 2021.
  2. G Vahanyan- the main results of “The Development of a Strategy Necessary for Atracting FDI as a Priority of the RA Economy’s Development” topic and “The Growth of International Competitiveness as a Key to the Development of the RA Economy” topic for 2021.
  3. Manucharyan- “The Problems of Innovative Development in the Field of Agriculture of the Republic of Armenia” topic.
