International scientific cooperation

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In the framework of the Memorandum of International Cooperation signed 12.02.2020, between the Institute of Economics named after M. Kotanyan of the NAS RA and the Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN) the XI international scientific and practical conference was organized at Kursk State University from June 5 till June 6, 2020. The topic of the conference was “The Regions of Russia: Mechanisms for implementing prospective national projects and programs and development strategies.”

The scientific staff of the Institute of Economics named after M. Kotanyan of the NAS RA (Vahanyan G. A., Sargsyan L. N., Baghdasaryan Q, Yu., Dallakyan S. A., Zakharyan A. G., and Petrosyan D. A.) made reports during the conference. The reports of these participants were recognized as the best and included in the following sections of the second volume of 2020 Yearbook “Russia: Development trends and prospects” (accordingly on the following pages 198-202, 218-222, 279-284, 346-350, 442-447 ) :

  • The quality of authorities and governance,
  • The modernization of Economy,
  • The innovation and technology in the 21-st century.

See the following links for details
