Doctor of Economics, Professor

He was born on January 20, 1940, in Seytishen (now Khachen) village of Askeran region of Nagorno Karabakh.


Phone: +374 10-58-19-71



Was born in the village of Seytishen in the Askeran region of Nagorno Karabakh.  Graduated from secondary school of Khndzoresk in 1957. In 1963 graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Yerevan State University.  In 1976 received a Ph.D. in economics. In 1986 received the decree of Doctor of economics and in 1988 the decree of Professor.


1983: the title of Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Armenian SSR.

2003: the “Movses Khorenatsi” medal.

2008: the gold commemorative medal of the State Engineering University of Armenia.

2024: The Medal of jubilee celebration dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the RA National Academy of Sciences

Work experience:

1965-1968: senior economist, the Armenian office of the USSR Construction Bank,

1968-1978: the head of the cabinet, assistant professor, senior lecturer, the Department of Political Economy (now Economics) of the State Engineering University of Armenia (Polytechnic),

1979-2014: the head of the Department of Economics, the State Engineering University of Armenia,

From 2015 to date: the head of the scientific direction, chief researcher, the Institute of Economics after M. Kotanyan NAS RA.

Research areas:

A history of economic thought.


Authored more than 200 scientific articles and monographs.

Language skills:

Armenian, Russian