The schedule of the fall semester courses for graduate students and applicants for 2022

English classes begin from September 12, 2022 online according to the following schedule՝

Humanitarian stream: Monday and Thursday at 14: 00,

Natural science stream: Friday and Saturday at 19: 30 /subject to change/

Physico-mathematical, chemical, economic stream: Thursday at 19.00 and Saturday at 11.00

Research Methods class online: on Tuesday at 9.30.

To form groups, we ask those who wish to take part in the classes to register in the postgraduate department before September 8, 2022 / tel.:  060-623601 or 094-112989/.

Those wishing to take part in the Information Technologies class should visit the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of NAS RA /2nd floor-library ,1 Paruyr Sevak St, Yerevan/ on September 9 at 11: 00 for choosing the group (there will be 2 groups- online and offline) .

The postgraduate department

Tel. 060-623601  or   094-112989