The annual general reporting meeting of the personnel of the M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics of the NAS RA was held on 8th of December 2020

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The annual general reporting meeting of the personnel of the M. Kotanyan Institute of Economics of the NAS RA was held on the 8th of December 2020 via online/hybrid communication. Most of the personnel joined the meeting online, while the director and the heads of the departments broadcasted from the hall, strictly preserving anti-epidemic rules.

The meeting was held by Academician Yu. Suvaryan while the scientific-organizational results and achievements of the Institute for the year 2020, as well as the vision of future and challenges, were represented by the director of the institute, Corresponding Member of the NAS of RA, Doctor of Economics, professor V. Harutyunyan.

The heads of departments also took the floor. L. Sargsyan, K. Baghdasaryan, S. Dallakyan, and M. Manucharyan contributed to the results of their departments for 2020. The annual reporting meeting was closed by S. Papikyan with his poem dedicated to the Institute of Economics as a symbol of pride.

Full versions of speeches and the agenda in Armenian are available by the links below:

Director Vladimir Harutyunyan

Lilit Sargsyan

Kristine Baghdasaryan

Svetlana Dallakyan

Meri Manucharyan

Evgenya Hakobyan

Stepan Papikyan

The agenda
