The 7 most important facts of the Institute of Economics in 2019

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  1. The first scientific conference on “Economic Revolution” topic has been organised and implemented by the Institute of Economics in Armenia, in May 2019. The scientific conference took place in the round meeting hall of the NAS RA. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, members of the RA Government, NAS RA management and others participated in the conference. The scientific conference received a wide response on the Government’s website and in the mass media.
  2. During the annual reporting meeting of 2019, the Director of the Institute presented one by one all the points that he made a reality after being elected as Director. This was a revolutionary phenomenon and a new culture in the Armenian reality.
  3. In 2019, the Institute of Economics had an unprecedented number of publications- 10 monographs and 178 articles, 120 of which  in foreign peer-reviewed journals.  According to the number of publications the Institute has taken the first honored place in the department.
  4. The staff of the Institute of Economics has significantly rejuvenated during 2019.  That’s why the speakers of the conference of November 2019, were exclusively young people. Even the press wrote about that.
  5. In 2019, the Institute of Economics has chosen the basic research topics based on the program of activities of the Government of the Republic of Armenia. This  is also an exceptional and unique phenomenon in Armenia and due to that the research results of the Institute have gained practical significance.
  6. In 2019, the Institute of Economics was also distinguished by high labor discipline and normal working conditions (mentioned also on website).
  7. At the request of the RA Government the Institute provided a number of expert opinions during 2019. Particularly about the drafts of the laws on “Higher education and science”, “Strategy of improving the business environment”, as well as about the economic assessment of expenses presented in the EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) of “Lydian Armenia” and in the report of ELARD company.

Thus, it can be stated that 2019 was a fruitful year for the Institute in terms of improving working conditions, expanding cooperation with the Government and in terms of scientific achievements.
